Last year has been a year that none of us expected. With the lockdown in March 2020 quite literally hitting pause on everything from holidays to clubbing nights, social engagements and even restaurant-set first dates, we believed as an industry that business would be slow. After all, with people set to be spending more time than ever at home on their sofa and in front of a laptop or television screen, the need for aesthetic treatment seemed minor.

That is until the industry-termed ‘zoom boom’ struck. With conferences and meetings moving online to video calling and virtual meeting spaces, suddenly users found that the spotlight was very much on them – often shedding a light on an image they weren’t necessarily expecting. Demand for injectable cosmetic procedures for men, such as anti-wrinkle injections, has increased massively as the pressure to look presentable on video calls has grown as reported by the Guardian news.
The fact is that every webcam on a computer or laptop is less than flattering. The dodgy angle combined with the harsh light reflected from the screen, added to the fact that users of zoom and other video calling platforms can see their own image at the bottom of their screen, meant that people were suddenly confronted with the way they looked on webcam to the rest of their colleagues – and they weren’t too impressed. As reported by The Guardian
How the ‘zoom boom’ has affected Aesthetic Practitioners?
It all comes down to client demand – with aesthetic practitioners finding that their client lists are only getting longer as more people search for ways to improve their looks on zoom and other video conferencing platforms.
Studies have found that phone calls relating to enquiries for face and neck treatments have risen by over 50%, while the number of online searches is growing still – with many aesthetic practitioners marketing on and commenting on forum posts and social media enquiry posts as well as the more traditional enquiry avenues.
So, how can you, as a future aesthetic practitioner, get in on the ‘zoom boom’ action?
How the ‘zoom boom’ has impacted the Skinoza academy?
The fact is that, as with any rise in demand across any industry or business, an increase in client need results in an increased need for experts – in our case experienced and trained aesthetic practitioners.
From an Anti-wrinkle injections and Dermal filler training academy perspective, what this means is that demand for training has never been higher – both for existing skilled practitioners and amateur practitioners, with the former looking to widen their repertoire in order to capitalise on the growing demand for aesthetic treatments, while the latter new recruits are looking to start on a training program that provides them with the kind of job stability presented to aesthetic practitioners.
Here at the Skinoza academy, our waitlist has never been longer, and our inbox has never been fuller. The dawn of the online and virtual meeting and event has arrived, and people are responding in the only way they know how – by elevating their appearance to manifest optimum results.
To join in and earn your place as part of one of the country's most successful growing industries, head to our website to learn more about our range of courses.