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What qualifications do I need to offer anti-wrinkle injections in the UK?

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

Anti-wrinkle injections currently sit as one of the most popular non-surgical treatments in the UK, with great profit available for those who provide the treatment and deliver a finish to a high standard.

As such, beauty therapists across the UK are looking for ways of adding anti-wrinkle injection expertise to their repertoire and service offering, in order to diversify their business and be able to give consumers the exact finish they want. This article uncovers what budding anti-wrinkle injection and filler professionals need to do in order to add the coveted botulinum toxin to their product list.

Necessary Experience

Before you are accepted onto a course to learn the various injecting techniques and detail you need t0 employ the correct methodology, you first need to be able to prove that you are an experienced professional – ideally in the medical industry, though in the UK there are no regulations which prevent experiences beauty therapists from being able to undergo these same courses.

However, it’s not as simple as taking the course and learning how to do it – the UK prescription system makes anti-wrinkle injections in particular a lot more complicated.

Anti-wrinkle injection is a prescribed treatment and as such can only be supplier by a formal prescriber – which has to be a medical practice or medical body. While this means botulinum toxin could be supplied by a medical professional for a beauty therapist to administer, it is unlikely that a trained Nurse Prescriber or Doctor would hand such treatments over to someone without medical training to administer – particularly given the scope of side effects that clients may suffer.

If you decide to undergo a certified training course in Aesthetic Medicine, the assumption of most training bodies will be that those taking the course will come with some level of medical training – for example existing Nurses, Doctors and even Dentists who want to expand their treatment list. If you own a beauty therapy business and want to offer anti-wrinkle injections, you may find you are best placed in bringing in a dedicated new member of the team who holds the relevant medical licences.

Laws and Regulations

Whilst there are a number of recommended professional standards for cosmetic practice e.g. set by the Royal College of Surgeons, The General Medical Council and Voluntary accredited registers such as Save Face, those who uphold these recommendations do so largely on a voluntary basis.

Only procedures requiring surgery, which means those involving a surgical incision are required to be carried out by a qualified medical professional.

The implications of this lack of regulation are severe and mean that patients undergoing non-surgical cosmetic procedures are currently protected by the same level of regulation as they would be when buying products such as ballpoint pens and toothbrushes. The reality is that if you have an issue with your treatment it is very challenging to find any redress or support from a regulator.

Necessary Qualifications

Once you decide that anti-wrinkle injections is the direction you want to move in, you need to move through a series of training courses which involve both observation and practical skills learning – both helping to bolster your experience in administering botulinum toxin and dealing with unexpected situations and client reactions.

The Skinoza certification course indicates that program is complex and highly skilled enough for the application of botulinum toxin, with the certificate registered at Insurance company providing proof of learning through online learning, observation sessions, hands-on learning, mentoring, and a series of assessments.

Once you have completed Skinoza anti-wrinkle injection certification, you are well equipped to enter your new service offering with knowledge and confidence.


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